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Bachelor of Social Work (Duration : 48 months)

Course Stream: Arts
Course Level: Bachelor Program
Course Fee: $66720

Course Description

Program Description The purpose of the Bachelor of Social Work degree program at Vancouver Island University is to provide social work education that addresses local, national and global needs. The goals of the program are derived from the mission statement which seeks to promote the capacity of individuals and communities; to address social issues emanating from the absence of equality and opportunity; and to promote social justice by producing graduates who demonstrate capability in the areas of clinical intervention, research and community development. In addition, this Social Work program will link colleagues in the faculty and other disciplines within the broader Vancouver Island University community with local, national, and/or international organizations. Community study will focus on physical, historical, economic and social dimensions, and the diversity of cultural backgrounds of individual members; encourage critical analysis about the environmental, economic, and social conditions that contribute to community capacity building; incorporate a collaborative approach to community-based social work that includes the application of skills and knowledge and understanding through study within specific focus areas: Disabilities, Older Adults, and Child Welfare. To be eligible for admission to the third year, students must have completed at least 60 credits of post-secondary courses, including specific prerequisite courses. Child Welfare Specialization: A Child Welfare Specialization within the program is available for a limited number of students admitted to the Bachelor of Social Work degree program. Students in a Child Welfare Specialization will complete their fourth year field education in a delegated child protection office. Disabilities Specialization: A Disabilities Specialization within the program is available for students admitted to the Bachelor of Social Work degree program. Social workers obtain employment in social, educational and health organizations as well as private practice. Social workers assist individuals, families, groups and communities through their work in hospitals, community-based organizations, child welfare agencies, school districts, agencies serving Aboriginal people and human rights agencies that promote the interests of those experiencing inequality in our communities.



Students Feedback


Average Rating

7 min ago
Anthony Forsey

Awesome course

Investig ationes demons travge vunt lectores legee lrus quodk legunt saepius was claritas kesty they conctetur they kedadip lectores legee sicing.

1 mon ago
Justin Nam

Test review lol

Investig ationes demons travge vunt lectores legee lrus quodk legunt saepius was claritas kesty.

3 Mon ago
Murir Dokan

This is a title of review. the developer suffer from lot's of vitamin. what about you?

Investig ationes demons travge vunt lectores legee lrus quodk legunt saepius was claritas kesty they conctetur they kedadip lectores legee sicing.

1 year ago
John Doe

Best course ever

Investig ationes demons travge vunt lectores legee lrus quodk legunt saepius was claritas kesty they conctetur they kedadip lectores legee sicing. Investig ationes demons travge vunt lectores legee lrus quodk legunt saepius was claritas kesty they conctetur they kedadip lectores legee sicing.
